The Christmas Nail...
I haven't made this one yet, but I did buy the nails and have the poem saved on my computer. I hope to put this in my baskets this year.
Here is the link: and here is the poem:
*The Christmas Nail
*It's Christmas time at our house
*and we're putting up the tree.
*I wish I could find some simple way
*to remember Christ's gift to me.
*Some little sign or symbol
*to show friends stopping by,
*The little babe was born one day
*but he really came to die.
*Some symbol of His nail-pierced hands,
*the blood He shed for you and me.
*What if I hung a simple nail
*on my shining Christmas tree?
*A crimson bow tied around the nail
*as His blood flowed down so free,
*To save each person from their sin
*and redeem us for eternity.
*I know it was His love for us
*that held Him to the tree.
*But when I see this simple nail
*I know He died for me.
*by John Patton