Happy Holidays

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Happy Holidays

Welcome to Happy Holiday House... We hope you enjoy the talent and friendship here. You will find art in many forms… simple crafts, crochet, knit, quilts, stories, poems, photos, and recipes from our talented members.

    Original Coney Island Sauce (TNT)


    Number of posts : 13431
    Age : 78
    Location : Boynton Beach, florida
    Job/hobbies : crafts and cooking
    Registration date : 2008-12-13

    Original Coney Island Sauce (TNT) Empty Original Coney Island Sauce (TNT)

    Post by pstarkoski Fri Jul 02, 2010 5:29 am

    I have made this great hot dog sauce up for our "Soul Food Block Party" at our church this Sunday....It is an outreach to our community...great food, games, praise team concert, bounce house and snow cones for the kids, etc!! It should be lots of fun...now if the weather cooperates!!
    I got this recipe from my friend Laurie .... I have tried it and it is really good.

    Original Coney Island Sauce
    1 TBSP shortening (Crisco stick)
    1 TBSP butter or margarine
    2 medium onions, chopped
    1/2 tsp. garlic powder
    2 TBSP Chili powder
    1 TBSP prepared mustard
    1-1/2 lbs. ground beef
    6-oz can tomato sauce (I used one small 8-oz. can)
    6-oz. water (I used 8-oz)
    4 or 5 hot dogs, ground up (I used a small food processor to grind)

    Simmer all ingredients together (no need to brown the ground beef or onions). Cook for at least a couple of hours or longer. I used my crockpot and cooked on low all day.

    Recipe source: Laurie Osborne. (a very old family recipe!)


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