Happy Holidays

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Happy Holidays

Welcome to Happy Holiday House... We hope you enjoy the talent and friendship here. You will find art in many forms… simple crafts, crochet, knit, quilts, stories, poems, photos, and recipes from our talented members.

    Dearest Friend and Guardian Angel


    Number of posts : 3641
    Location : Trujillo Alto, Puerto Rico
    Job/hobbies : Retired English, Music, and Art Teacher *****Member in HHH Since 3/11/2007*****
    Humor : Funny is as funny does!
    Registration date : 2008-10-18

    Dearest Friend and Guardian Angel Empty Dearest Friend and Guardian Angel

    Post by Sierra Sun Jul 01, 2012 6:46 pm

    We miss you sooo much here in the House.

    Please put in a few words to the Lord for all of us. You can do it! If there's someone who would want to help us out that is you.

    Big Hugs,



    Dearest Friend and Guardian Angel ANGEL_23
    ♥️.·:*:·.♥️.·:*:·.♥️.·::·.♥️.·:The most important human right is the right to dream.·.♥️:·.♥️.·:*:·.♥️.·:*:·.♥️

    ♥️.·:*:·.♥️.·:*:·.♥️.·::·.♥️.·:UFO's Pending:·.♥️:·.♥️.·:*:·.♥️.·:*:·.♥️
    1. Canesu (Complete) 2. Spider Stitch Shawl    3. crocheted blouse   4.Beaded crocheted handbag   


      Current date/time is Wed Dec 11, 2024 7:39 am