Happy Holidays

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Happy Holidays

Welcome to Happy Holiday House... We hope you enjoy the talent and friendship here. You will find art in many forms… simple crafts, crochet, knit, quilts, stories, poems, photos, and recipes from our talented members.

    Merry Christmas


    Number of posts : 40990
    Age : 56
    Location : Texas
    Job/hobbies : Quilting, Crochet, Fishing Joined HHH 5/2/2004
    Humor : Yes, humor...
    Registration date : 2008-12-13

    Merry Christmas Empty Merry Christmas

    Post by Texas_Dawn Wed Dec 26, 2012 1:45 pm

    Merry Christmas my friend. It is not the same without you. I hope you are smiling down upon us as we continue to keep you in our thoughts. I know the ornaments in this years swap had to have you smiling as so many showed how you touched so many lives in your short time upon this earth. I feel guilty for missing you when it means that you are no longer in pain. I hope in some way these words may reach you in the heavens.

    I love and miss you my crazy cyber aunt!


    Finished UFOs in 2020: 73
    Finished UFOs in 2021: 67
    Finished UFOs in 2022: 132
    Finished UFOs in 2023: 2

      Current date/time is Wed Dec 11, 2024 12:17 pm