Happy Holidays

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Happy Holidays

Welcome to Happy Holiday House... We hope you enjoy the talent and friendship here. You will find art in many forms… simple crafts, crochet, knit, quilts, stories, poems, photos, and recipes from our talented members.

    Message just sent to those who have not visited in 30 days or more


    Number of posts : 40987
    Age : 56
    Location : Texas
    Job/hobbies : Quilting, Crochet, Fishing Joined HHH 5/2/2004
    Humor : Yes, humor...
    Registration date : 2008-12-13

    Message just sent to those who have not visited in 30 days or more Empty Message just sent to those who have not visited in 30 days or more

    Post by Texas_Dawn Mon Dec 30, 2013 10:48 pm

    I have no way to keep track of when I send messages to those inactive so I need to post here and will move this to it's own folder so I can keep track of it better. I edit the default message so now I can also use this to copy/paste part of my editing.


    Your account on Happy Holidays has been judged inactive by a forum administrator. This notice is being sent to anyone who has not visited the site in the last 30 days. If you wish to be removed from the group, please contact us and let us know so you can stop receiving these notifications. The group is looking forward to an exciting new year in 2014: New projects, ideas and activities.

    If you wish to stay in our community, please connect yourself to the forum - https://happy-holidays.aforumfree.com
    Currently, we only ask that you post at least once a year.

    This e-mail has been sent to you by an administrator of "Happy Holidays" - https://happy-holidays.aforumfree.com


    Finished UFOs in 2020: 73
    Finished UFOs in 2021: 67
    Finished UFOs in 2022: 132
    Finished UFOs in 2023: 2

      Current date/time is Wed Dec 11, 2024 8:42 am