Happy Holidays

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Happy Holidays

Welcome to Happy Holiday House... We hope you enjoy the talent and friendship here. You will find art in many forms… simple crafts, crochet, knit, quilts, stories, poems, photos, and recipes from our talented members.

    Dawn's UFO List for 2023


    Number of posts : 40990
    Age : 56
    Location : Texas
    Job/hobbies : Quilting, Crochet, Fishing Joined HHH 5/2/2004
    Humor : Yes, humor...
    Registration date : 2008-12-13

    Dawn's UFO List for 2023 Empty Dawn's UFO List for 2023

    Post by Texas_Dawn Fri Dec 30, 2022 12:52 pm

    This is just a starting point. Starting with 23 and will add as needed and as I go through and decide what stays and what must go throughout the year as I downsize more.
    (EDIT: Turns out one project was already finished since I started the list in my notebook, lol. Then I realized I had two projects I did not list at all. so starting count is already at 25.)
    (EDIT: I have lost my ever loving mind! 1-25-23)

    1. Toni's Vest (have to frog 4 rows due to tension change)
    2. Orchid Shawl (Bag O Day) using purple Ombre Ice Yarn
    3. Wheelchair blankets (in a perfect world, 2 a month. I will be happy if I can get one done a month)
    4. Hats for Children's Hospital. Need to do 3 a month because they are delivered first Saturday in December
    5. Crochet Book Personal Challenge - 1 a month
    6. Red Cross Pins - 3 a month
    7. Scarves - 1 a month
    8. A quilt project - complete a top, baste one, quilt one or bind one a month
    9. Water Balloons - until I use up the scrap yarn
    10. Pink Rabbit for Ms Frances
    11. Ombre Shawl - Jazzy Ombre Red Heart
    12. Organize printed patterns in binder (part of downsizing and getting ufos under control)
    13. Free form shawl - one 'block' a month
    14. 101 Quilt Blocks - 2 a month
    15. Star Afghan for Val
    16. Fall Charm Quilt - let's find it first, lol
    17. UFO for a friend - locating it would be a good start
    18. Rose covered teddy bear 
    19. Embroidered towels - One color a month
    20. Mug Hats - 2 a month
    21. Glamour gloves (fingerless) 
    22. Victorian fingerless gloves (bag O day)
    23. Unforgettable Shawl  find the pattern again so I can figure out where i am with it. think it was Fiber Spider
    24. Green Monster - 2 sage skeins a month
    25. CAL - stay on top of each new release - Finished 1-24-23
    Added 12-31-22
    26. Lunar Triangle Rectangle Blanket
    27. Puffball Gnome Ornament
    28. Ninja Turtle
    Added 1-25-23
    29. Toy Fish
    30. January Gnome CAL
    31. February Gnome CAL
    32. March Gnome CAL
    33. April Gnome CAL
    34. May Gnome CAL
    35. June Gnome CAL
    36. July Gnome CAL
    37. August Gnome CAL
    38. September Gnome CAL
    39 October Gnome Cal
    40. November Gnome CAL
    41. December Gnome CAL
    42. A Very Beary Christmas
    43. Bear ornament
    44. C2C Farmhouse Hot Pad
    45. Celtic Knot ornament
    46. Christmas Bell amigurumi
    47. crochet angel doll
    48. Crochet Beard 
    49. Crochet cocoa coaster set
    50. cushy color blocked scarf
    51. Evangeline crochet Christmas angel
    52. Freely cowl
    53. Gnome wine bottle topper
    54. trinity hat
    55. Leon men hat
    56. Michelle beanie
    57. Moguls scarf
    58. O' Christmas Tree wine tote
    59. Put a bow on it headband
    60. Reindeer towel topper
    61. Straight and narrow cowl
    62. Triple S Scarf
    63. Wind spinner Christmas ornament


    Finished UFOs in 2020: 73
    Finished UFOs in 2021: 67
    Finished UFOs in 2022: 132
    Finished UFOs in 2023: 2

    Number of posts : 40990
    Age : 56
    Location : Texas
    Job/hobbies : Quilting, Crochet, Fishing Joined HHH 5/2/2004
    Humor : Yes, humor...
    Registration date : 2008-12-13

    Dawn's UFO List for 2023 Empty Re: Dawn's UFO List for 2023

    Post by Texas_Dawn Thu Jan 26, 2023 6:47 am

    1. Guinea Pig Sling 1-19-23
    2. (#25) CAL - stay on top of each new release - Finished 1-24-23


    Finished UFOs in 2020: 73
    Finished UFOs in 2021: 67
    Finished UFOs in 2022: 132
    Finished UFOs in 2023: 2

      Current date/time is Wed Dec 11, 2024 9:15 am