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Happy Holidays

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    Advent Baskets --- Project for August


    Number of posts : 13431
    Age : 78
    Location : Boynton Beach, florida
    Job/hobbies : crafts and cooking
    Registration date : 2008-12-13

    Advent Baskets --- Project for August Empty Advent Baskets --- Project for August

    Post by pstarkoski Wed Aug 01, 2012 6:14 pm

    OK ladies, it is time to start getting serious about Christmas!! and the perfect place to start is to make up Advent baskets for family and friends.
    I make about 10-12 of these baskets each year for friends so I thought I would share my ideas with all of you for this month's project. Everyone really loves these baskets and mean so much to them....It helps us to keep our thoughts on why we celebrate the season.

    You need to get started now though because it will take a little time to get them finished.

    It actually starts on December 1st, but try to get them to your family and friends before that so they can actually start on Dec. 1st.

    I hope I can explain it all for you....several years ago I did a project on this at church and gave all the ideas to the ladies....quite a few of them actually made them up for their family and friends.
    Well......... here goes!!

    There are quite a few things to post so I will be posting them daily

    The first thing that I will give you are what to do on the individual days...put instructions for each day into individual envelopes (you can decorate the envelopes with stickers, crayons, print out on the computer, etc. These are the activities for each day:

    1. Bible Verse
    2. Thought for the day
    3. Bless your heart idea
    4. Christmas idea
    5. Service idea
    6. Christmas carol to sing.

    Here is the list for the individual days:

    December 1
    BIBLE VERSE: Zachariah 9:9, 11:12-13, 12:10, Matthew 21:1-10, 26:15, 27:3-10,
    John 19:37
    THOUGHT: "We come closer to God at our lowest moments." –Terry Anderson—
    BLESS YOUR HEART: Set the table with Christmas decorations, and a floral arrangement—maybe a poinsettia.
    CHRISTMAS IDEA: Pray for the people who send you Christmas cards as part of your family devotions.
    SERVICE IDEA: Leave a muffin or a handmade note of thanks for your delivery person.
    CHRISTMAS CAROL: Angels We Have Heard On High

    December 2
    BIBLE VERSE: Isaiah 42:1-7,Matthew 12: 17-21, Luke 2:23
    THOUGHT: "Laughter is a gift of God that brightens our good times and lightens the rough one. Cultivate the spirit of the celebration in your life by making room for laughter."—Emilie Barnes—
    BLESS YOUR HEART: Play a Christmas CD or record and sing out loud. It really doesn’t matter if you sing off key or not!!
    CHRISTMAS IDEA: Take time today to watch an old Christmas movie. Here are some favorites: White Christmas, A Miracle on 34th Street, A Christmas Carol, It’s a Wonderful Life.
    SERVICE IDEA: Give friends and family "Kindness Coupons" that they can "cash in" for special favors.
    CHRISTMAS CAROL: Away in a Manger

    December 3
    BIBLE VERSE: Psalm 22:1-18, Matthew 27: 35-46
    THOUGHT: " God’s whisper can be heard beyond the stars and beneath the seas—but listen…and you will hear His voice echo in your heart."—From God’s Little Promise Book—
    BLESS YOUR HEART: Simmer some Christmas spices and enjoy the aroma.
    CHRISTMAS IDEA: Check with your local community and your church and school to see what events you can take part in with other Christians in your home town.
    SERVICE IDEA: Pick up garbage along a road or in a park.
    CHRISTMAS CAROL: O Little Town of Bethlehem

    December 4
    BIBLE VERSE: Luke 1:5-25 (Zechariah)
    THOUGHT: "However we combine the elements of encouragement, on thing we’re sure to create is joy, for others, for ourselves, and for our Lord."—Susan Lenzkes—
    BLESS YOUR HEART: Make a double batch of whatever you are baking or cooking today and share it with a shut in.
    CHRISTMAS IDEA: Write a letter this year, and include it in your Christmas card. We always enjoy hearing what has happened in our friends lives--- The joy and the heartache. This will bless and encourage you to see what the Lord has done in your life.
    SERVICE IDEA: Write a thank-you note to a person from your past who has made a difference in your life.
    CHRISTMAS CAROL: Oh Come, All Ye Faithful

    December 5
    BIBLE VERSE: Luke 1: 26-38 (Mary)
    THOUGHT: "Some Christians feel they must ‘come on strong.’ Overwhelmed by such a bold confrontation with the gospel, unbelievers may actually find it repulsive…We should remember that rare perfumes have subtle appeal. A dab behind each ear is about all that is required."—Alma Barkman—
    BLESS YOUR HEART: Make a list of what you would do if time and money were no object. Your answers will probably surprise you. This is more difficult than it appears. We tend to want to bless others and totally forget what makes us happy or what we like. Remember we are more than someone’s wife, or mother. "The Joy of the Lord is our Strength."
    CHRISTMAS IDEA: Make a string of popcorn for the Christmas tree. You could alternate cranberries with the popcorn. Or how about the paper chains you made when you were a child. If you prefer, you can put the food decorations on a tree in your yard and watch the birds feast on it.
    SERVICE IDEA: Make up with someone with whom you have argued.
    CHRISTMAS CAROL: Joy to the World

    December 6
    BIBLE VERSE: Matthew 1:18-25 (Joseph)
    THOUGHT: "Perhaps the key to the back door of our hearts is simply acceptance…the kind of love that would just as soon hug you in a tattered bathrobe as in your Sunday best."—Susan Lenzkes—
    BLESS YOUR HEART: Set a scheduled regular date with your best friend. Make some popcorn and watch your favorite tear jerker. Don’t forget the tissues!!
    CHRISTMAS IDEA: Plan a "Christmas Light Tour" of your neighborhood. It’s amazing how creative your neighbors can be. Then enjoy some hot cider or cocoa together.
    SERVICE IDEA: Randomly select a name from the church directory and send them an inspirational note.
    CHRISTMAS CAROL: Hark the Herald Angels Sing

    December 7
    BIBLE VERSE: Luke 2: 8-20 (shepherds)
    THOUGHT: " When we’re uncertain about what to do, waiting may be the wisest response."—Janette Oke—
    BLESS YOUR HEART: Grief is difficult for all of us-- Especially around the holidays. Why not remember the joyful and happy memories of your love one who is now in Heaven. Why not write those memories down for the younger members of the family, so that they will be blessed by those happy times too.
    CHRISTMAS IDEA: Make special place cards for your Christmas table. You can use cookies with names iced on them or let your grandchildren (if they are around) make it a craft activity. You might be surprised with what they come up with.
    SERVICE IDEA: Make a Christmas decoration that will help you think of Jesus.
    CHRISTMAS CAROL: It Came Upon A Midnight Clear

    December 8
    BIBLE VERSE: Matthew 2: 1-21 (Joseph); Psalm 91: 11-12
    THOUGHT: " Smile at someone and find something worth laughing about. As the laughter permeates your life, the spirit of celebration will take root in your heart."—Emilie Barnes—
    BLESS YOUR HEART: Pick up the phone and call a friend, even if it is a long distance call. Sometimes just hearing a friendly voice will make all the difference.
    CHRISTMAS IDEA: Start looking for individual favors for the Christmas dinner table. Whether your dinner will be for just family or company, it still adds a lovely touch. Everyone will have a memento of Christmas this year. You might consider adding a loop and putting the year on them and that way they can be ornaments on the tree for next year. Make this a new holiday tradition.
    SERVICE IDEA: Go caroling
    CHRISTMAS CAROL: The First Noel

    December 9
    BIBLE VERSE: Matthew 4:11; Luke 22:43; Matthew 28:2-4
    THOUGHT: " The desire to fulfill the purpose for which we were created is a gift from God."—A. W. Tozer
    BLESS YOUR HEART: Is it raining today? Why not just try to stay in and warm your heart today along with your body. Maybe a nice cup of tea would taste good right now—and how about curling up with a good book. You decide today what will bless and warm your heart.
    CHRISTMAS IDEA: Share an old tradition with a child who has never experienced it. Try to remember what you did as a child or what you never did that you always wanted to do.
    SERVICE IDEA: Call a loved one just to say "I love you," or tell them what you
    appreciate about them.
    CHRISTMAS CAROL: While Shepherds Watch Their Flocks At Night.

    December 10
    BIBLE VERSE: Daniel 7:9-19; Revelations 5:11-12; 2 Thessalonians 1:7-8;
    Matthew 24:31
    THOUGHT: " God doesn’t ask for an unstained life or a past completely cleansed of sin—He meets us where we are, no matter what we’ve done or where we’ve been."—God’s Caring Touch by B.J. Hoff—
    BLESS YOUR HEART: Read one Psalm today. Start with Psalm 1 and read a new one every day. You could add a Proverb too. There are 31 Proverbs which works nicely with a monthly plan of reading God’s Word.
    CHRISTMAS IDEA: Why not get ready for your thank you notes now? Set up a little spot in the house with your stamps, pens and envelopes. Or you can make a sample on the computer and then personalize each one later.
    SERVICE IDEA: Visit a retirement or nursing home and spend some time talking and visiting with the residents.
    CHRISTMAS CAROL: Go Tell It On The Mountain

    December 11
    BIBLE VERSE: Luke 2: 1-10
    THOUGHT: " A welcoming home has a sense of order about it. A sense that people, not possessions are in charge of the household…that life is proceeding with a purpose. The results of God’s ordering Spirit are always good."—Emilie Barnes—
    BLESS YOUR HEART: Reread your favorite book. This time read it slowly, ponder and savor every word. Look up the words if you don’t know the definitions. Learning and asking questions are good things.
    CHRISTMAS IDEA: This is the last day for posting Christmas cards standard mail. So if your cards aren’t ready by today you might want to be a little different and creative this year. How about faxing or emailing a Christmas greeting? Or—instead of a Christmas letter how about a "New Year’s" letter! This way you have a little more time and you can add your "thank you note" right on the letter.
    SERVICE IDEA: Put a flower in a neighbor’s mailbox.
    CHRISTMAS CAROL: God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen

    December 12
    BIBLE VERSE: Psalm 23; 79:13; 95:7;100:3
    THOUGHT: " A cheerful smile, a friendly word, a sympathetic nod…These are all priceless treasures from the storehouse of our God."—Helen Steiner Rice—
    BLESS YOUR HEART: Flowers…Fresh Flowers…That should make you smile and bless your heart. Generally the grocery store has bouquets of fresh flowers. Even a single rose might be nice. Enjoy watching it open. Smell the pleasant aroma. Then just smile!
    CHRISTMAS IDEA: This year you can start a Christmas memory book. Maybe even a Christmas video. Take pictures and save the Christmas cards. Write about the holiday and your feeling. Who came to visit? What was an unexpected blessing? The possibilities are endless.
    SERVICE IDEA: Call or write someone you haven’t spoken to in a long time, just to say you’re thinking about them.
    CHRISTMAS CAROL: What Child Is This?

    December 13
    BIBLE VERSE: Isaiah 53:6; Matthew 18: 11-14; 1 Peter 2:25
    THOUGHT: "Unimpressive people can make lasting impressions with a simple act of kindness."—Janette Oke—
    BLESS YOUR HEART: Tonight look at the stars and the moon. Remember how big the universe is and that there is order to God’s creation.
    CHRISTMAS IDEA: Make a wrapping station for the presents in your home. You can put all the supplies in a Christmas basket and leave it under the Christmas tree. That way you will always know where the tape and scissors are. Be creative—add little gifts on top of the presents. Try to wrap and use items with the theme of the gift itself.
    SERVICE IDEA: Offer to help at your local school for a few hours.
    CHRISTMAS CAROL: Jingle Bells

    December 14
    BIBLE VERSE: Isaiah 40:11; Hebrews 13:20-21
    THOUGHT: "Today, appreciate the importance of both laughter and tears. Remember that it is OK to cry. Tears are healing to the soul."—Anonymous—
    BLESS YOUR HEART: Take time today to remember the happy Christmases from your past—It is fun to look at pictures and remember the good times and the not so good times too—Grab a box of tissues-you will probably need them!
    CHRISTMAS IDEA: Next time you go out shopping for Christmas presents, buy a present for yourself. Wrap it and put it under the tree. You can put on the tag "From a friend". Maybe a new magazine or a book—But you decide.
    SERVICE IDEA: In your prayers, thank our Heavenly Father for every blessing you canthink of. If you want to, you can write them down in a journal.
    CHRISTMAS CAROL: I Heard The Bells On Christmas Day

    December 15
    BIBLE VERSE: John 10:1-18; 29-29
    THOUGHT: " Kindness, respect, tenderness…do these words describe you or how you treat other people? Remember today that honey is much better than vinegar. One kind word given with love is like a verbal hug."—Anonymous—
    BLESS YOUR HEART: This might be the time to start a "Praise Journal". Find a blank book or journal, sit down and list the things you are thankful for. Some people keep prayer requests but forget to put the "Praise"—the answer to prayer. What about the special blessings that you didn’t even pray for but the Lord saw fit to bless you with.
    CHRISTMAS IDEA: Have there been any new babies or weddings in you family’s lives this year? Or friends? Why not give a Christmas ornament for a wedding or new baby—There are ornaments that are dated with the year—they may even be able to be personalized with names, dates, etc. This way they have a present that becomes a memory and maybe a new tradition.
    SERVICE IDEA: Write your testimony in your journal, or in a letter to someone.
    CHRISTMAS CAROL: Good King Wenceslas

    December 16
    BIBLE VERSE: Matthew 9:35-38; John 21:15-17; 1 Peter 5:2-4
    THOUGHT: " Celebration shines in quiet gratitude that God has blessed our homes and our lives with the spirit of loveliness. We celebrate because our lives overflow with things to be thankful for…because God gives us the eyes to see how incredibly we have been blessed."—Emilie Barnes—
    BLESS YOUR HEART: Sing—Sing—Sing. Yes sing out loud. Singing makes you smile. And smiling will make you happy—Try it!
    CHRISTMAS IDEA: Pull out the old Christmas albums, cassettes and CDs. Play Christmas music while you are doing the last minute baking or wrapping. Today work on having a song in your heart and on your voice.
    SERVICE IDEA: Take a friend out to lunch and to finish up your Christmas
    shopping if you aren’t done yet
    CHRISTMAS CAROL: Angels From the Realms of Glory

    December 17
    BIBLE VERSE: Ezekiel 34:11-16; 23-31
    THOUGHT: "His coming was quiet…no clash of cymbals, no blast of trumpets…just the midnight song of angels and the awe-filled sighs of shepherds on a hillside hushed by holiness. His coming is still quiet…Just a whisper of love in the silence and a gentle promise to the humble heart that bids Him welcome."—B.J. Hoff—
    BLESS YOUR HEART: Undoubtedly you have been busy this holiday season. So the "Bless your heart" for today is to find a quiet spot all by yourself and just reflect on this Bible verse for a few minutes. "Be still and know that I am God". Then remember that sometimes we can be too introspective forgetting about the Lord’s big picture. God has a plan even if we don’t.
    CHRISTMAS IDEA: Take a few minutes. Grab a pen and paper. Let’s make sure we haven’t forgotten to do anything for our "Christmas Celebration". This way we won’t have to run around last minute. Do you have all your presents bought? Do you have a few extra gifts under the tree for unexpected company? Do you have enough holiday treats and baked goods? Once you write it all down, you can make a plan of action and it hopefully won’t be as stressful for you.
    SERVICE IDEA: Teach someone in your family (or a friend) how to do something.
    CHRISTMAS CAROL: Deck the Halls

    December 18
    BIBLE VERSE: Matthew 2:1-12
    THOUGHT: "THE BELOVED SON became a Baby…THE ANOINTED ONE came down to save…THE GREAT HIGH PRIEST was mad a Shepherd…THE PRINCE OF PEACE defied the grave. THE RIGHTEOUS JUDGE became a Ransom…THE LION OF JUDAH bore our shame…THE KING OF KINGS was crowned with briars…JESUS, SAVIOUR, we praise Your Name."—Anonymous—
    BLESS YOUR HEART: Read Isaiah 53. We usually have a picture of Jesus as the baby or the servant, but don’t forget that He came in a humble way even though He was worthy of a King’s welcome. The fact that Jesus fulfilled all the prophesy in one man is really extraordinary. Jesus Christ said in John 14:6 "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No man comes to the Father but by me."
    CHRISTMAS IDEA: Well now is the time to go back to the store and get the things you forgot! Scotch tape, batteries, name tags, and extra wrapping paper. Just to mention a few things! Double check your list!
    SERVICE IDEA: Bake a batch of cookies for your family and enjoy them around the Christmas tree.
    CHRISTMAS CAROL: We Wish You A Merry Christmas

    December 19th
    BIBLE VERSE: James 1:5; 3: 13-18
    THOUGHT: "We do not always know the reasons for what God does and doesn’t do, but in the end we’ll see that He was always right."—Janette Oke—
    BLESS YOUR HEART: Be an encourager today. Listen. Sometimes we just need to know that we are needed and loved by someone. Tell someone you love them. An unexpected blessing and miracle is just around the corner. Keep your eyes open. Have a BLESSING filled and JOYFULLY EXPECTANT day!
    CHRISTMAS IDEA: Make or buy Christmas cards for all the family. Don’t forget you can use your computer if you have one.
    SERVICE IDEA: Have a no TV day and spend time with family instead.
    CHRISTMAS CAROL: O Come, O Come, Emmanuel

    December 20
    BIBLE VERSE: 1 Corinthians 1: 17-30
    THOUGHT: "I have had many things placed in my hands and I have lost them all; but whatever I have placed in God’s hands I still possess."—Martin Luther—
    BLESS YOUR HEART: Go to breakfast with your husband—devote your whole day to him.
    CHRISTMAS IDEA: Choose a Christmas movie—cuddle up on the couch. Don’t worry about all the Christmas hustle and bustle. Just enjoy the movie.
    SERVICE IDEA: Gather all the grocery carts from a parking lot and bring them
    back into the store.
    CHRISTMAS CAROL: Good Christian Men, Rejoice

    December 21
    BIBLE VERSE: Daniel 2:20-30
    THOUGHT: "Having someone who understands is a great blessing for ourselves. Being someone who understands is a great blessing to others."—Janette Oke—
    BLESS YOUR HEART: Have a picnic---in your living room!!
    CHRISTMAS IDEA: Why not pick up some special holiday ice cream—peppermint, etc.—Enjoy!!
    SERVICE IDEA: Write a "love letter" to your husband and put it on his pillow.
    CHRISTMAS CAROL: Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus

    December 22
    BIBLE VERSE: 1 Corinthians 3: 11-23
    THOUGHT: " Patience keeps us from running ahead of God. Alertness keeps us from missing His opportunities."—Janette Oke—
    BLESS YOUR HEART: Have a nice cup of spiced tea and read a poem—or better yet-write one.
    CHRISTMAS IDEA: This is the time to make sure you have all the wrapping paper and tape to wrap all those presents!!
    SERVICE IDEA: Read a book to a young child.
    CHRISTMAS CAROL: We Three Kings

    December 23
    BIBLE VERSE: Job 28: 12-28; Psalm 111: 10
    THOUGHT: " Strength is often found within the silence, while resting in the presence of the Lord. Abiding in His peace, we feel His power; while leaning on His love, we are restored."—B.J. Hoff—
    BLESS YOUR HEART: Burn a scented candle while taking a bubble bath.
    CHRISTMAS IDEA: Do all your last minute running around today. Make sure you have all the ingredients for Christmas breakfast and Christmas dinner.
    SERVICE IDEA: Take a plate of cookies to your neighbor.

    December 24
    BIBLE VERSE: Proverbs 1:10; Psalm 90:12
    THOUGHT: " Some flowers grow best in the sun; others do well in the shade. God plants us where we grow best."—God’s Little Promise Book
    BLESS YOUR HEART: Get your Bible and read some of the book of Psalms. There is such comfort in them. Today saturate your soul and spirit with the Word of God.
    CHRISTMAS IDEA: This is Christmas Eve. Make sure you read the REAL story of CHRISTMAS. If you are alone read the Luke passage out loud, If you have family/friends around, take turns reading the verses and have everyone take part. After you finish reading the passage have a time of prayer. Remember to be thankful and have hearts of gratitude for all the Lord has done. It is not too early to ask the Lord to direct you in the New Year ahead. You never know what tomorrow will bring!
    SERVICE IDEA: Invite someone to the Christmas eve service at the church.
    CHRISTMAS CAROL: Silent Night

    December 25



    Remember that JESUS is the REASON for the SEASON and why we CELEBRATE.

    "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting PEACE."—John 3:16


    Number of posts : 13431
    Age : 78
    Location : Boynton Beach, florida
    Job/hobbies : crafts and cooking
    Registration date : 2008-12-13

    Advent Baskets --- Project for August Empty Re: Advent Baskets --- Project for August

    Post by pstarkoski Thu Aug 02, 2012 4:17 am

    Bumping up!!


    Number of posts : 40942
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    Advent Baskets --- Project for August Empty Re: Advent Baskets --- Project for August

    Post by Texas_Dawn Thu Aug 02, 2012 2:22 pm

    ok, I saw this this morning and did not have a chance to peek... so peeking now Wink I will need to send this to my email so I can print out the text.


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    Advent Baskets --- Project for August Empty Re: Advent Baskets --- Project for August

    Post by Texas_Dawn Thu Aug 02, 2012 2:43 pm

    Ok, so before printing these out, it woud be a good idea to decide how any baskets I am going to make? Also, just to make sure I have this right, the printout goes IN the envelope?


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    Advent Baskets --- Project for August Empty Re: Advent Baskets --- Project for August

    Post by pstarkoski Thu Aug 02, 2012 6:32 pm

    Yes, Dawn....the printout for Day 1 goes in day 1 envelope, day 2 in day 2 envelope, etc.---


    Number of posts : 13431
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    Advent Baskets --- Project for August Empty Re: Advent Baskets --- Project for August

    Post by pstarkoski Thu Aug 02, 2012 6:36 pm

    Before I go any farther....I will give you the instructions to print up to put on the basket....you will probably need a fairly large basket because you need to put a little gift in each day too...I will give you some websites for cute little things you can put in...easy to make little crafts, etc...nothing that costs much because you have 24 little things to give!! That is optional though .. you don't have to put in the little gift for each day, but I did because it gave the recipient a little something to open up each day....

    Here are the instructions for the basket:

    Making your holidays holy...
    Open dated envelope each day starting with December 1st. Inside will be a paper with
    1. A Bible verse to read
    2. A thought for the day
    3. Bless Your Heart idea
    4. A Christmas Idea
    5. A Service Idea
    6. A Christmas Carol
    Each day you will also open one of the gifts in the basket. Some are dated for certain days to open (Dec. 3, Dec. 6, Dec. 9, and Dec. 10).The other days you can open any of them.
    HAVE FUN !!!

    I printed this out on the computer adding some nice Christmas graphics.

    NOTE: The dated ideas (I will give recipes, etc.for those days)--these are optional...you can do your own ideas...these just kind of goes with the ideas of these days.

    December 3....make up a package of Christmas Scent:
    Put into a small ziplock bag:
    5-6 whole cinnamon sticks
    2-3 TBSP whole cloves
    2-3 TBSP whole allspice
    3 bay leaves
    Attach this note to the package:
    In a medium saucepan or teakettle, mix package contents and orange and lemon slices with water. Bring to a boil, then turn down to low to simmer. Check the pan periodically to make sure there is enough water. DO NOT leave unattended. This will leave a wonderful scent in your home!!

    December 6th.....make up spiced cranberry cider mix:
    1/2 cup dried cranberries
    6-8 cinnamon sticks
    1/2 tsp. whole cloves
    2 TBSP whole allspice
    In a small bowl, stir the cranberries and spices together. Store in a snack-size ziplock bag. Attach instructions:
    Spiced Cranberry Cider
    2 quarts apple cider
    1 quart water
    1 package Spiced Cranberry Cider Mix
    2 oranges, sliced
    In a large saucepan combine the cider, water and the spiced cranberry cider mix. Heat through but do not boil. Add the orange slices. Simmer for 1-2 hours and then remove the spices. Serve warm. This can also be done in the crockpot.
    Serves 12-14.

    December 9th:.... Friendship Tea Mix
    (makes about 5-6 cups of mix)
    1 (18-oz.) Tang or other orange-flavored instant drink mix
    (I use Walmart's brand)
    1/2 cup presweetened lemonade mix
    1/2 cup instant tea (not flavored, no sugar added)
    1 (3-oz.) package apricot jello
    2-1/2 tsp. ground cinnamon
    1 tsp. ground cloves
    Combine all ingredients in a large bowl, stirring well. Store in an airtight container.
    To give as a gift:
    1. put some tea in a pretty jar and attach directions:
    Put 2 TBSP tea mix into a mug and fill with boiling water. Stir and enjoy!
    2. If you want to give an individual serving.....put 2 TBSP in a small ziplock
    bag and attach following directions:
    Put contents of package in a mug and add boiling water; stir and enjoy!

    December 10th .....find some cute notecards or make some up on the computer.


    Number of posts : 13431
    Age : 78
    Location : Boynton Beach, florida
    Job/hobbies : crafts and cooking
    Registration date : 2008-12-13

    Advent Baskets --- Project for August Empty Re: Advent Baskets --- Project for August

    Post by pstarkoski Fri Aug 03, 2012 6:31 pm

    Here is a picture of the directions that I put on my baskets.....by the way, last year I used the cloth bags from our Publix grocery store when they came out with holiday bags....just an alternative if you don't have baskets (The bags were $1.00 each)

    Advent Baskets --- Project for August Advent2011instructions

    ....and here are some pictures of finished advent baskets:

    Advent Baskets --- Project for August Advent2010

    ...and these were when I made them last year and used the fabric bags

    Advent Baskets --- Project for August Adventbaskets2011


    Number of posts : 40942
    Age : 56
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    Job/hobbies : Quilting, Crochet, Fishing Joined HHH 5/2/2004
    Humor : Yes, humor...
    Registration date : 2008-12-13

    Advent Baskets --- Project for August Empty Re: Advent Baskets --- Project for August

    Post by Texas_Dawn Fri Aug 03, 2012 11:38 pm

    I love the fabric bag idea because it encourages recycle and saving our planet Wink
    I am not afraid to admit I am feeling a bit overwhelmed at this point. I have not started because work has kept me busy so far. I am hoping to start on the evelopes this weekend. I just need to know that I still have a hope of gettinng caught up on this during the month?
    I am still workinng on my list of WHO which is currently at 5.


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    Number of posts : 13431
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    Advent Baskets --- Project for August Empty Re: Advent Baskets --- Project for August

    Post by pstarkoski Sat Aug 04, 2012 1:05 am

    That's ok Dawn....that's why I wanted to do this in August...do it when you can. I am just giving ideas!---and hey, if not this year, there is always next year!!


    Advent Baskets --- Project for August Empty Re: Advent Baskets --- Project for August

    Post by Guest Sat Aug 04, 2012 1:26 am

    I love your ideas Peg you sure have me working I am working on the Elf ornament today I am making ten.

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    Advent Baskets --- Project for August Empty Re: Advent Baskets --- Project for August

    Post by pstarkoski Sat Aug 04, 2012 2:41 am

    Good for you Beckie....I am making 12 baskets this year....I started a while ago, but now working on Mistletoe Marketplace items....will have to share my time with that and the baskets!


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    Advent Baskets --- Project for August Empty Re: Advent Baskets --- Project for August

    Post by Sierra Sat Aug 04, 2012 3:11 am

    Peg, I'm wondering how you decide who gets one of your baskets or bags because I'm sure a lot of people from your Church would like to be a happy receiver of one of these excellent and beautiful gifts.

    Sierra I love you


    Advent Baskets --- Project for August ANGEL_23
    ♥️.·:*:·.♥️.·:*:·.♥️.·::·.♥️.·:The most important human right is the right to dream.·.♥️:·.♥️.·:*:·.♥️.·:*:·.♥️

    ♥️.·:*:·.♥️.·:*:·.♥️.·::·.♥️.·:UFO's Pending:·.♥️:·.♥️.·:*:·.♥️.·:*:·.♥️
    1. Canesu (Complete) 2. Spider Stitch Shawl    3. crocheted blouse   4.Beaded crocheted handbag   


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    Post by pstarkoski Sat Aug 04, 2012 4:09 am

    Hi Sierra...

    I pick about 10 or 12 people each year. I started with family and I am now working my way thru the church and other friends....I have a long way to go!


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    Advent Baskets --- Project for August Empty Re: Advent Baskets --- Project for August

    Post by pstarkoski Sat Aug 04, 2012 8:20 pm

    Now it is time for some ideas to put in your baskets!

    Prayer rock:

    You can use any kind of rock....I just find them out in our yard. It doesn't have to be very big. Cut out a fabric circle and wrap the rock in it, tie with a ribbon and attach the following poem:

    I'm your little PRAYER ROCK and this is what I'll do,
    Just put me on your pillow till the day is through,
    Then turn back the covers and climb into bed,
    And WHACK! your little prayer rock will hit you on the head.

    Then you will remember as the day is through,
    To kneel and say your prayers as you wanted to.
    Then when you are finished, just dump me on the floor,
    I'll stay there through the night to give you help once more.

    When you get up the next morning, CLUNK! I'll stub your toe,
    So you will remember your morning prayers before you go.
    Put me back upon your pillow when your bed is made,
    Your little PRAYER ROCK will continue in your aid.

    Because your Heavenly Father cares and loves you so
    He wants you to remember to talk to Him, you know.

    Advent Baskets --- Project for August Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRO4QSktCdPBNuQxcYWE9L4yUikrtJ1ES45lhebkgRHwBhF7rWmXQ


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    Post by Texas_Dawn Sun Aug 05, 2012 5:11 am

    Ok, first up... I need to remember to print things out so I can work on this!! Second... I am going to make 10 of these so I will be prepared when I realize I need an extra closer to Christmas.
    However, today, I am trying to figure out how to print this at my mother in laws without her seeing what I am printing, LOL! I will plot while I work on some UFOs today.


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    Advent Baskets --- Project for August Empty Re: Advent Baskets --- Project for August

    Post by pstarkoski Sun Aug 05, 2012 8:42 pm


    For this project you need some tulle, ribbon, and Hershey kisses.

    ....just wrap up some kisses in the tulle and tie with the ribbon. Add this tag...

    Angel Kisses

    Angels led the shepherds,
    To the promised one,
    Sang to all His glory,
    Gave hope to everyone.
    They send you these sweet kisses,
    Full of Hope and Love,
    To remind you that this season,
    Is about God's only son.

    Here is a picture of the finished project:

    Advent Baskets --- Project for August Angelkisses


    Advent Baskets --- Project for August Empty Re: Advent Baskets --- Project for August

    Post by Guest Sun Aug 05, 2012 11:24 pm

    I find when I am doing things like the baskets if I listen to my heart God shows me who to give to. I know I like to sew for children and there have been some moms that come on free cycle looking for clothes and some times I make them some thing new to have and will give it to them.

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    Post by Texas_Dawn Mon Aug 06, 2012 1:00 am

    Peg, I have run into an issue with the drink mixes.... I cannot find gluten free versions of the mixes needed to make one of them. And i was told that the ONLY company that gaurantees gluten free spices said that allspice is not one they can claim as gluten free.
    However, for the record, Hershey Kisses are the ONLY chocolate that is gluten free Wink


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    Post by pstarkoski Mon Aug 06, 2012 2:57 am

    Hi Dawn...

    I really don't know much about gluten free....I never even thought of spices being gluten free or not. I would just omit allspice if you need to.


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    Post by Texas_Dawn Mon Aug 06, 2012 3:05 am

    Oh ok.
    I have learned alot since we have celiacs in the family. it is amazing at how careful one has to be while preparing foods and everything they have to check including shampoo and toothpaste and even makeup!


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    Advent Baskets --- Project for August Empty Re: Advent Baskets --- Project for August

    Post by pstarkoski Mon Aug 06, 2012 9:33 am

    Bumping up!


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    Advent Baskets --- Project for August Empty Re: Advent Baskets --- Project for August

    Post by pstarkoski Mon Aug 06, 2012 6:10 pm

    The Caring Heart

    Make a small heart from craft foam or felt or paint and decorate a wooden heart...It doesn't really matter what you use. Then attach it to this poem:

    The Caring Heart
    A reminder from one who cares
    Designed to bring joy to mind
    Made from wood with love
    So it will always be easy to find.
    Meant to carry in your pocket
    Or purse with your coins or keys
    Providing ceaseless information
    that you are beloved in many ways.
    Keep this token as a symbol
    From one who thinks you dear
    Reminding you of closeness
    When no one else is near.
    This little heart isn't magic
    Nor does it make dreams come true
    But it wishes for your well being
    And prays for contentment too.
    If you ever feel sad or lonely
    Just touch its face and know
    Another's thoughts are with you
    Wherever you may go.
    So carry this heart and remember
    The promise it is meant to impart
    From one who whats to enfold you
    With the love from a CARING HEART!

    Here is picture of the one I made:

    Advent Baskets --- Project for August DSCF1381


    Advent Baskets --- Project for August Empty Re: Advent Baskets --- Project for August

    Post by Guest Mon Aug 06, 2012 11:37 pm

    Oh that is just so cute. I have to save all of these to help in making the baskets.

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    Post by pstarkoski Tue Aug 07, 2012 7:58 am

    Bumping this up so I don't forget to post another idea tomorrow!!


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    Advent Baskets --- Project for August Empty Re: Advent Baskets --- Project for August

    Post by pstarkoski Tue Aug 07, 2012 9:07 pm

    Christmas Candle...
    Wrap a small votive candle with scrapbooking paper strip or just white or colored paper and tape this verse onto it:

    "I am the light of the world; he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life."
    John 8:12


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    Advent Baskets --- Project for August Empty Re: Advent Baskets --- Project for August

    Post by NYBonnieBlue54 Wed Aug 08, 2012 1:00 am

    I love this!!!!...I've been so busy....I may make as many as 6!...do you ever give them secretly?...I have a few people that I'd like to just leave it at their doors...I may use some hat boxes on some...does that sound alright?

    3. Henry's blanket...2024 
    4. 5D diamond paintings....any kind...done
    5. work on Christmas gifts
    6. make some keyrings

    Advent Baskets --- Project for August Empty Re: Advent Baskets --- Project for August

    Post by Guest Wed Aug 08, 2012 1:04 am

    Sounds neat to me.

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    Advent Baskets --- Project for August Empty Re: Advent Baskets --- Project for August

    Post by pstarkoski Wed Aug 08, 2012 1:05 am

    Sounds great to me Bonnie!


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    Advent Baskets --- Project for August Empty Re: Advent Baskets --- Project for August

    Post by pstarkoski Wed Aug 08, 2012 8:35 pm

    Candy Cane Seeds......Put starlight mints into a small ziplock bag and attach poem

    Candy Cane Seeds

    I once knew a gardener who knew how to grow
    Bright tasty candies right out of the snow.
    I asked him to share his secret with me,
    And this is what he replied quite readily:
    To garden in winter is difficult you see,
    It takes lots of care and a very special seed.
    I'll give you a couple to grow your own treats,
    And you'll soon reap a harvest of candy cane sweets.

    Here is picture of the one I made:
    Advent Baskets --- Project for August DSCF1389


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    Advent Baskets --- Project for August Empty Re: Advent Baskets --- Project for August

    Post by pstarkoski Thu Aug 09, 2012 8:43 pm

    Burden Bear....this is a really cute one!

    Use either a piece of fleece or quilting material...cut out with pinking shears, add poem, bow and small flocked bear.

    Advent Baskets --- Project for August DSCF1425

    Here is the poem:

    I'm not a very fancy bear --
    I'm plain and rather small.
    Even so, someone who likes you
    said that I should come to call.
    Hide me underneath your pillow
    or set me on a nearby shelf,
    and when you feel discouraged I
    will do my best to help.
    I brought my favorite blanket
    that I snuggle when I'm sad.
    It's a present from my Granny
    made for days when things seem bad.
    My Granny always told me,
    "Life's like this patchwork quilt.
    Just give Jesus all the pieces
    and He'll make a pretty quilt."
    Sometimes I don't see the pattern...
    sometimes He seems far away.
    Then I clutch my favorite blanket,
    and I pray...and pray...and pray.
    Though I don't have all the answers,
    (for I'm just a Burden Bear)
    I've been sent here on a mission
    from someone who really cares.
    When you see me please remember,
    YOU are in their thoughts and prayers.


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    Humor : laugh and people will laugh with you...maybe...they may be laughin' at you...who knows, who cares...laugh
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    Advent Baskets --- Project for August Empty Re: Advent Baskets --- Project for August

    Post by NYBonnieBlue54 Thu Aug 09, 2012 10:17 pm

    I love it!!!...I love it all!!!

    3. Henry's blanket...2024 
    4. 5D diamond paintings....any kind...done
    5. work on Christmas gifts
    6. make some keyrings

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    Advent Baskets --- Project for August Empty Re: Advent Baskets --- Project for August

    Post by pstarkoski Fri Aug 10, 2012 6:28 pm

    The Caring Heart

    Cut out a little heart from craft foam (or felt) and decorate it .... or any kind of heart. You could also use a wooden heart and paint it.

    Here is picture of the one I made....poem will follow.

    Advent Baskets --- Project for August DSCF1381

    The Caring Heart
    A reminder from one who cares
    Designed to bring joy to mind
    Made from wood with love
    So it will always be easy to find.
    Meant to carry in your pocket
    Or purse with your coins or keys
    Providing ceaseless information
    that you are beloved in many ways.
    Keep this token as a symbol
    From one who thinks you dear
    Reminding you of closeness
    When no one else is near.
    This little heart isn't magic
    Nor does it make dreams come true
    But it wishes for your well being
    And prays for contentment too.
    If you ever feel sad or lonely
    Just touch its face and know
    Another's thoughts are with you
    Wherever you may go.
    So carry this heart and remember
    The promise it is meant to impart
    From one who whats to enfold you
    With the love from a CARING HEART!


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    Advent Baskets --- Project for August Empty Re: Advent Baskets --- Project for August

    Post by pstarkoski Sat Aug 11, 2012 8:12 pm

    The Friendship Rose...

    Attach a small silk rose to this poem:

    The Friendship Rose

    The love that friends share together
    Blooms and grows forever and ever.
    Just like a rose so precious and rare
    Is the forever friendship that we always will share.
    Planted with kindness, it's warmed by the sun
    Of caring and sharing, laughter and fun.
    It's grounded in trust and nurtured by love
    With a sprinkling of grace from God up above.
    Tears of sadness and joy, like dew,
    Renew this friendship I share with you.
    And in the heart's garden we find the room
    To be ourselves to grow and bloom.
    A blessing of beauty unsurpassed
    Our friendship's a flower that always will last.
    ~author unknown

    Here is picture of the one I did:
    Advent Baskets --- Project for August DSCF1383


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    Advent Baskets --- Project for August Empty Re: Advent Baskets --- Project for August

    Post by pstarkoski Sun Aug 12, 2012 8:22 pm

    Legend of the Candy Cane
    Attach candy canes (one for each person in the family that you are giving the basket to) to the poem that follows...

    Here is a picture of the one I made:
    Advent Baskets --- Project for August DSCF1385

    Here is the poem:

    The Legend of the
    Candy Cane

    According to the legend, there was a candy maker
    who wanted to invent a candy that was a witness to Christ.
    The result was the candy cane. First of all he used a
    hard candy because Christ is the Rock of all ages. This
    hard candy was shaped so that it would resemble either a
    "J" for Jesus or a shepherd's staff. He made it white to
    represent the Purity of Christ. Finally a red stripe was
    added to represent the blood of Christ shed for the sins
    of the world and three thinner stripes for the stripes He
    received on our behalf when the Roman soldiers
    whipped Him.
    So the next time you see a candy cane, hear the
    Sermon it preaches: Jesus Christ, the Good Shepherd, is
    the Rock of all Ages who suffered and died for our sins.


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    Post by pstarkoski Sun Aug 12, 2012 8:23 pm

    We are going to visit my brother for a few days so I will try to add some extra ideas today if I get a chance. I am taking my laptop with me so I may post up there. .... anyways, I will be sure to get ideas for each day!


    Advent Baskets --- Project for August Empty Re: Advent Baskets --- Project for August

    Post by Guest Mon Aug 13, 2012 2:29 am

    Peg go and have a great time with your brother. I have really enjoyed all your ideas and am sharing them with my bestest friend.

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    Advent Baskets --- Project for August Empty Re: Advent Baskets --- Project for August

    Post by pstarkoski Mon Aug 13, 2012 7:15 pm

    The White Stocking....
    You can make this out of felt or craft foam ....print out the poem first and then cut out a stocking big enough that the poem fits in it. Put the poem into the stocking.

    Here is picture of the one I made followed by the poem:
    Advent Baskets --- Project for August DSCF1379

    The White Stocking
    The presents were all there
    Under the Christmas tree.
    The stockings were hung and filled.
    One of mom, dad, and me.
    And yet--what's that?--
    Another one that I didn't see.
    A beautiful White Christmas Stocking
    That seemed to be empty.
    It was the stocking for Baby Jesus
    Only HE had been forgotten.
    So we each wrote on a piece of paper
    And slipped the notes in the stocking,
    To be left there until next Christmas Eve.
    On that night we will take them out to read.
    Did we fulfill our commitments,
    Our goals, or give to those in need?
    For those are the daily gifts we can give,
    That give to Jesus too.
    Gifts of love from each of us
    Gifts of love to you.
    Again on Christmas Day
    We will write a little note,
    And tuck it in the White Christmas Stocking
    To fill the year with hope.


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    Advent Baskets --- Project for August Empty Re: Advent Baskets --- Project for August

    Post by pstarkoski Tue Aug 14, 2012 9:24 pm



    When you have a doubt
    and need some confidence,
    here's a treat that's sure to help...
    God's Word and encourage "mints" !!

    type up lots of great encouraging scripture verses, cut them up into strips and then folded them up and put into a bag (or jar) and added a bunch of mints in too!
    You can type up any of your favorite scriptures.. ..or just do a google search by typing in encouraging Bible verses....you will be able to find plenty!

    Here is picture of mine:
    Advent Baskets --- Project for August DSCF1406


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    Post by Pixie Wed Aug 15, 2012 9:54 am

    Advent Baskets --- Project for August Bumpitybumpelf

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    Post by pstarkoski Wed Aug 15, 2012 7:39 pm

    Christmas Candy Package

    I used the old fashioned Christmas candy (I found at Deals or maybe you can find it at a dollar store)....the kind that has ribbon candy, etc.
    I put it in a small ziplock bag and attached the following poem:

    This special Christmas candy is especially for you to help you count your blessings and life’s sweetness too.
    So look around in wonder as miracles abound keeping Christ in Christmas ensures thankfulness is found!

    Here is picture of the one I made:
    Advent Baskets --- Project for August DSCF1418


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    Post by Texas_Dawn Wed Aug 15, 2012 11:43 pm

    Great ideas that can also be used by themselves Smile


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    Advent Baskets --- Project for August Empty Re: Advent Baskets --- Project for August

    Post by pstarkoski Thu Aug 16, 2012 7:47 pm

    Friendship Snowflake---

    Attach following poem to a plastic snowflake (you can get in a package at the dollar store....

    Friendship Snowflake

    You’re a true original!
    Just like a sparkling snowflake,
    You’re quite beyond compare,
    A one-of-a-kind blessing,
    So precious and so rare.

    A miracle from Heaven,
    You have to know it’s true…
    You make the world
    More beautiful…
    Just By Being You!!!

    Advent Baskets --- Project for August DSCF1422


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    Post by pstarkoski Fri Aug 17, 2012 6:40 pm

    Snowman Soup----

    Snowman Soup Recipe:

    Assemble in a gift bag, gift mug or small zipper food storage bag:

    • 1 individual packet hot chocolate mix
    • 2-3 chocolate kiss candies
    • 10-15 mini-marshmallows
    • small candy cane


    I don't seem to have a picture of the ones that I made, but this website explains it all.

    Here is the poem I used:

    Snowman Soup
    "Was told you've been real good this year;
    Always glad to hear it.
    With freezing weather drawing near
    You'll need to warm the spirit.
    So here's a little Snowman Soup,
    Complete with stirring stick.
    Just add hot water, sip it slow,
    It's sure to do the trick!"


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    Post by Texas_Dawn Fri Aug 17, 2012 9:38 pm

    Some of these I am going to use as stand alones for gifts at the office this year. All the ones with food, I cannot use because the main people I wanted to make this for cannot have sugar or gluten and trying to find gluten free stuff is almost impossible when it comes to candy. But I am loving the ideas and trying to find ways to use them!


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    Post by pstarkoski Sat Aug 18, 2012 8:16 pm

    M&M Christmas Poem

    Attach poem to small individual bag of M&Ms: (or get a big bag and package some in a little ziplock bag

    M&M's Christmas Poem
    As you hold these candies in your hand,
    And turn them you will see,
    The M becomes a W, an E, and then a 3.
    They tell the Christmas story,
    It's one I'm sure you know.
    It took place in a stable a long, long time ago.
    The M is for the Manger,
    Where Baby Jesus slept that night.
    The 3 is for the Wise men,
    Bearing gifts, they say they came.
    W is for Worship, Hallelujah, Praise His Name.
    So as you eat these candies,
    Or share them with a friend,
    Remember the meaning of Christmas.
    It's a Love story that never ends.

    Advent Baskets --- Project for August DSCF1390


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